Sunday, 23 March 2014

Lets Discuss Food!!!!!

Food! Food!! Food!!!!!! YES... Lets discuss food, i love trying new things learning peoples culture and of course learning different types of Food!!! and how it is made :) oh!! yes! Do you agree? well kindly join the discussion and tell us, that new food you have learnt and  if you want to learn more new things or stick to your old cooking. Thank you


  1. I'm becoming a pro on Masa. It's more lyk d northern Nigerian pancakes made wit rice. Plus it tastes amazing.

    1. Thank you Deena for your contribution at least you have learnt something new, well done.

  2. yes...i have learnt how to cook new dishes. i am tanzanian but i love to try cooking west african dishes such okra, egusi.jellof and fried rice..this a good forum, keep it up girl..

    1. Thank you Mariam for that she is indeed learning new things, i am sure the west Africans will be proud of you...

  3. for me yes because i am nigerian and i have learnt lots of new dishes on of my favourite is chines egg rice and i want to learn more new FOOD!!!!!!!

  4. Yeah!!!Its fun to try new diets.But for some individuals,its not for the fun.A diebetic patient diagnosed in his/her fifth decade can be a challenging task.I have diabetic patients who developed depression from change of diet.The bottom line is,trying new diet should be a habit because we really cant tell when it'l be necessary and life saving.

    1. so true Dr Lawrence that you for that i hope my food lovers will take into consideration your contribution. Thanks... #word#


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